NX plotting to Canon imageRUNNER




Attempts to plot successfully to a Canon imageRUNNER from NX experienced mixed results (i.e. gibberish outputs, partially successful plot outputs, blank plot outputs)


SDI Consultant's final assessment:

NX contains SDI's Basic Plotting  System or BPS.
The ImageRunner series is not supported by BPS so, 'plotting' from NX will not be possible.

However SDI can provide an add-on to NX called Advanced Plotting System (APS).
Because the imageRUNNER is a sheet feed plotter, APS is more likely to provide a viable solution.

This can be tested by downloading the following:


Before an attempt to integrate with NX, confirm it works as expected. Please do the following:

1.            Install the above installation of DragonPrint.
2.            Patch the newly installed software with an updated license. Replace auxs.dll with this later version


(by default, auxs.dll will be located in c:\program files (x86)\SDI\Dragoin_Print\bin)
Once in place, either drag/drop files onto the DragonPrint desktop icon, or simply right-click a supported file and select DragonPrint from the pop-up menu. The APS UI should be self-explanatory. 

Open an IR with GTAC NX Plotting and the GTAC agent can arrange for the customer
to work directly with the SDI Consultant who then can make arrangements to obtain APS / DragonPrint.

Notes and References


Involves specific printer/plotter vendor model - Canon imageRUNNER
Solution would require third party application beyond NX
(SDI Advance Plotting System or APS / DragonPrint)

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V11.0.2
Function: PLOTTING

Ref: 001-9108791

KB Article ID# PL8002246



Associated Components