The following error message was returned when the Sharepoint Farm administrator attempted to run the Initialize Insight Services after the password for the Sharepoint Farm administrator was changed.
"The operation returned HTTP Error 401. This can happen when the IIS web site uses Integrated Authentication as described by Microsoft Support in Knowledge Base Article ID: 896861. Consider the details in this article and then retry the operation."
The administrator must reset the Sharepoint Farm administrator password in Central Administration. With several locations existing where this needs to be done, it is easier to use the following cmdlet in Sharepoint Management Shell:
"set-SPManagedAccount –UseExistingPassword -Identity [Sharepoint login]".
The administrator will be prompted to enter the new password. After this he will be prompted for a confirmation. Enter "A" for Yes to all.
After the process completes the administrator needs to run "iisreset" in the same Sharepoint Management Shell window.
The Initialize Insight Services should run successfully.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 2012_R2
Version: V219.0
Function: INSIGHT
Ref: 002-8002398