NX How to control the default columns in [Open Part File] dialog

NX for Design



Can I control the default columns in [Open Part File] dialog?
In the first session of NX managed mode, the [Open Part File] dialog does not show [Name] column.
 I want to show [Name] colum in the dialg as default, can I control it?
What is the number next to On/Off toggle in the registry key?


The columns in the Teamcenter Navigator , Assembly Navigator , and file select dialog boxes are configurable
 You can get this setting available as a registry key. 
You can copy this key to various clients to get the default setting in all the required machines. 
This setting is stored in the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Unigraphics Solutions\NX\11.0\General\UGManager\FSDialog\Columns under the name "Column Headings", the value for this determines the number of columns that are displayed, setting a value of On will turn the column to display and will set the FSDialog to have these columns. 
You can export this key using file - Export and import in similar way

The number next to On/Off toggle is the width of column.

Notes and References

IR 9043160 

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V11.0
Function: FILE_OPEN

Ref: 001-9043160

KB Article ID# PL8001563



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX