When placing a Parts List in a draft, the parts list is attached to the cursor for placement. The user is expecting the parts list box to be fixed over the title block automatically. The placement functionality is controlled by the "draftlist.txt" file located in the Reports folder in Solid Edge templates.
Since this is a Solid Edge Embedded Client installation, the Solid Edge templates are cached from the Teamcenter server in the Admin/Solid Edge Templates location. The Reports folder is not read from this location. It is read from the local Templates\Reports location in the Solid Edge installation location or defined in File Locations in Solid Edge Options, and one of these locations needs to contain the custom "draftlist.txt" file.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Version: V110MP1
Function: SEEC
Ref: 002-8001499