Solid Edge Solid Edge Insight Product Retirement

Data Management Manufacturing Simulation Xcelerator Share Apps Design



With the release of Solid Edge ST10, Siemens announced the retirement for Solid Edge Insight.  In case you missed the news, this field bulletin is another attempt to relay the message.
Solid Edge ST11 will be the last release supporting Insight. For many customers, this product has contributed to their overall product design success. 
Siemens provides two options to migrate to new software solutions, together with a set of data migration tools.
1.       Built-In Data Management (included in Solid Edge)
2.       Teamcenter and Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge (SEEC)
We previously announced the Insight product retirement in the ST10 Solid Edge Readme file. Further, we requested Insight customers to register with us if they were using Insight. Many of customers responded to the request, although we feel there may still other Insight customers that have not registered. We would like to extend the registration deadline by 3 more months to March 31, 2018, in case you may have missed the Insight product retirement news. Registering your usage will help us figure out how best to assist you in your transition.
If you are using Insight we would like to request that you notify us as soon as possible. You can do this either by getting your Partner to open an Incident Report (IR) on your behalf or by opening an IR yourself with as much of the following information as possible:
The number of Solid Edge users (authors): 
The number of SharePoint users (consumers): 
Current Solid Edge Release\MP: 
Current SharePoint Release\SP: 
Current SQL Server Release: 
Estimated size of SharePoint Document Libraries (GB): 
Estimated number of managed Solid Edge files:  
Is SharePoint used outside the Engineering department?  
If you have any questions about this transition, please feel free to contact your Siemens PLM Software account manager or Solid Edge Partner. 
Helping you achieve the business success you desire is our mission at Siemens PLM Software. We hope to continue to work closely with you through this transition and ensure your success using Siemens' solutions going forward.

Product Information:
  • Product: SOLID_EDGE

KB Article ID# PL8001291



Associated Components

Built-in Design Manager Insight Teamcenter