How we can remove the unit (mm) from hole table in ST-10?
User wants hole table same as from Solid Edge ST-9.
User need to select 'No Units' (/NU) option in Column Property Text from Hole table properties.
The 'No Units' option would be available in Hole Table Properties > Select Column > In Property Text: Click in between property text > Format... button will be get activated > Select [Format...] > Select [ ] No units (/NU). OR add '/NU' in the property text.
Eg: For 'Size' column default property text would be %HS
Edit the property text as '%{%HS/NU}'; it will remove units 'mm' from the selected column.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: na
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Application: DRAFT
Version: V110.0
Function: TABLES
Ref: 002-8001216