NX How Part Stock and Wall Stock Settings Affect Amount of Side Stock left in a Floor Wall Operation

NX for Manufacturing



Part Stock is set to 1mm in a Floor Wall Operation and Wall Stock is set to 0.  When will the Part Stock value be used to add the side stock, and when will the Wall Stock value be used to finish the wall?

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At first no Wall Geometry is selected in the Operation either using the Specify Wall Geometry icon or by checking on the Automatic Walls option.

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When the operation is generated the tool will offset by the value set in Part Stock because no Wall Geometry has been selected.

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If Wall Geometry is selected, NX will use the value set in Wall Stock instead of the Part Stock value.  Simply checking on the Automatic Walls option will cause Wall Geometry to be selected. The geometry can be selected manually using the Specify Wall Geometry option.

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Now that the Wall Geometry has been selected the Wall Stock value will be used. In this example the 0 stock value will cause the tool to cut right up to the wall.

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KB Article ID# PL8001022



Associated Components

Manufacturing General