Solid Edge Solid Edge ST9 - Maintenance Pack 12 Announcement

Data Management Manufacturing Simulation Xcelerator Share Apps Design



November 20, 2017
Dear Solid Edge Customer: 
Solid Edge ST9 Microsoft Installer (MSI) Maintenance Pack 12 is available for download.
The Solid Edge Team 
Release Notes:
Microsoft Installer (MSI) Maintenance Packs – Solid Edge ST9 Maintenance Packs are delivered as and
installed using Microsoft Installer (MSI) technology. Solid Edge MSI based Maintenance Packs are tracked 
as Installed Updates.
Update Version:
Download Location:
ST9 Maintenance Packs can be downloaded from:
Maintenance Pack .zip files are complete product setups. Therefore, existing versions must be 
uninstalled using Uninstall a program from the Control Panel.
• MSI Product Updates can be applied on top of the base release and or existing Product Update 
  with a lesser version.
• MSI Product Updates are all inclusive, i.e. fixes delivered in MP3 include all fixes delivered
  in MP1 and MP2.
• MSI Product Updates calculate free disk space before installing. Please note that there have 
  been cases where the Disk Space Computation takes several minutes to complete. Please be patient.
• MSI Product Updates can be uninstalled without having to remove the base Solid Edge product.
• Uninstalling a MSI Product Update will restore the installation to the state before the Product 
  Update was applied.
• PLEASE NOTE: When uninstalling a MSI Product Update, the original source media and the previous 
  Product Update package, if any, must be available to allow the recovery of previous file versions.
• The current MSI Product Update will be the only Update listed and available for uninstallation. 
  After the current Update is uninstalled, the previous Update will become the current Update, if 
  there were multiple Updates installed.
• MSI Product Updates are uninstalled via the Control Panel (Uninstall a program –> View installed 
  updates -> Uninstall).
E-mail Notification: 
To receive direct e-mail notifications for new Solid Edge Maintenance Packs, subscribe to the SFBmail 
For details on initiating your email subscription navigate to: 
This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===
PR-8993184 & 8991276: Solid Edge crashes when select a face to extrude in synchronous mode  
PR-8000869 Solid Edge freezes while sketching  
PR-8993927 Parasolid file crashes Solid Edge when opened V109
PR 8935713: Max path length of file location
PR 9009522: Physical Property Manager shows different results vs Physical Property Dialog 
PR 8944800: Differing Physical Property dialog values based on the level the assembly was opened
PR 8987166: Print problems with shaded views
PR 8997333 AutoCAD translation issue -Text location changes
PR 9009806 Wrong title displayed in Excel in this workflow
PR 8999431 The behavior of the shortcut key is incorrect
===SE SP===
PR 8346838: BOM Reports are missing files
===Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge===
PR 8992417: Properties in Property manager are locked when file have a TC Status assigned

Product Information:
  • Product: SOLID_EDGE

KB Article ID# PL8000993



Associated Components

Built-in Design Manager Insight Teamcenter