What controls whether the 3D Dynamic tab gets grayed out or not




When you go to verify a tool path in CAM:

     Toolpath --> Verify

the Tool Path Visualization window displays a '3D Dynamic' tab. 

Tool Path Visualization 


Replay | 3D Dynamic 

Sometimes this tab is grayed out.  What controls this? 


Development confirmed that the 'ug_visualize' license controls the select ability  (i.e. grayed out / not grayed out) of the '3D Dynamic tab'.

When Toolpath --> Verify is selected, an actual checkout of the 'ug_visualize' license is attempted, and if successful, the 3D Dynamic tab becomes accessible (not grayed out); otherwise the tab stays inaccessible (grayed out) .  In addition, there is no record of the failed checkout, nor error in the debug log (e.g. C:\Program Files\Siemens\PLMLicenseServer\splm_ugslmd.log) on the license server.


The 3D Dynamic tab will only be selectable (not grayed out) when the 'ug_visualize' license can actually be checked out.  Just the existence of the 'ug_visualize' license in the license file is not enough to make the 3D Dynamic tab not grayed out and selectable.

KB Article ID# PL8000460



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