Can the License Borrowing function be used by the VDI environment?
Are they able to return a license?
Virtual Machines and License Server statement
The use of a composite hostID creates a unique identifier for each virtual machine and
allows the generation of Siemens PLM Software license files for a license server running
in a virtual machine.
Customers who use virtual servers will now be able to get Siemens
PLM Software license files for those products that employ the common licensing
However, Siemens PLM Software does not test or certify the operation of
license serving in a virtual machine environment. It is recommended that customers who
wish to deploy VM technology configure, test, and confirm to their satisfaction, the
operation of license serving in their environment.
Problems reported that appear to be related to the use of virtual servers cannot be resolved by Siemens PLM Software and should be reported to the VM supplier.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V11.0.2
Ref: 002-8000110