Siemens PLM Licensing Number of licenses for a license bundle/license feature after hosting the license file are not matching

Licensing Maintenance



The number of licenses for a license bundle/license feature do not match the number of license features hosted in the license usage report 


If the license file has two increments of the same license bundle or license feature as below:

 INCREMENT NSXA510 ugslmd 31.0 07-aug-2017 72 SUPERSEDE DUP_GROUP=UHD \          

        user_info="Mech Design" ISSUED=27-sep-2013 BORROW=2880 \         

        ck=191 SIGN="1CDC F4E9 7DAB 0BA7 F3C8 A820 6744 286F 2BD2 F24E \        

        11AE A750 0A62 0B57 7369 0A6B A882 D471 D336 02EF 474A EFD6 \           

        4B6A 2647 16D0 7713 F0BE 7F48 03CD 2342"

 INCREMENT NSXA510 ugslmd 29.0 permanent 72 SUPERSEDE DUP_GROUP=UHD \          

        user_info="Mech Design" ISSUED=27-sep-2013 BORROW=2880 \         

        ck=191 SIGN="1CDC F4E9 7DAB 0BA7 F3C8 A820 6744 286F 2BD2 F24E \        

        11AE A750 0A62 0B57 7369 0A6B A882 D471 D336 02EF 474A EFD6 \           

        4B6A 2647 16D0 7713 F0BE 7F48 03CD 2342"

 Then the increment line with higher version of ugslmd i.e. 31.0 supersedes the lower version of ugslmd i.e 29.0 hosting 72 number of licenses and not 144.

In the above case, both the versions of ugslmd in the increment lines should be of the same version.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V11.0

Ref: 002-8000101

KB Article ID# PL8000101



Associated Components

Siemens PLM Common Licensing