Unable to open file in NX from Teamcenter, The requested SOA object property is
not loaded error received.
Customer received the below error in syslog:
&MACRO MESSAGE_BOX -2, Could not open D10522260/006.
&MACRO MESSAGE_TEXT The following files could not be loaded
&MACRO MESSAGE_TEXT causing this open to fail:
&MACRO MESSAGE_TEXT D10522260/006 - The requested SOA object property is
not loaded
This was a machine specific issue at customer end.
After clear the client cache and run the below command:
generate_client_meta_cache -u=infodba -p=password -g=dba generate all
to regenerate the client meta cache.
The issue is solved.
Notes and References
IR 8957221
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Function: FILE_OPEN
Ref: 002-7009739