How to create a PMI Detail view in the Modeling application.
1. In the Part Navigator, hover the cursor over 'Model Views',
'MouseButton3-->Add View'.
2. Name the view.
For example: Detail View A
3. Graphically zoom in on the feature(s) to include in the Detail view.
4. In the Part Navigator, hover the cursor over 'Cameras',
5. Select OK on the Camera dialog.
6. Hover the cursor over the new Camera View.
'MouseButton3-->Capture View'.
7. Hover the cursor over the new Model View (Detail View A),
The Detail Model View can be rotated and zoomed in or out. However, the
original zoomed-in state can be brought back by highlighting the Model View,
'MouseButton3-->Reset Orientation'.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: PMI
Version: V11.0
Ref: 002-7009716