If ".bat" is not added to "ugmanager_clone" utility an error occurs.
Execution of ugmanager_clone was executable without adding ".bat" until NX11.0
Error Message
Can't open Perl script "ugmanager_clone": No such file or directory
>Is there a way to run ugmanager_clone.bat without entering the extension (.
This is a specification change.
Solution for this is to open the file "ugmanager_clone.bat" from
UGII_BASE_DIR\UGMANAGER folder in Notepad ++ and edit the line 15 and line 17
as shown below:
15 "%TC_ROOT%\bin\tcperl\bin\tcperl" %COMMAND% %ARGS%
16 ) else (
17 "%TC_ROOT%\bin\perl" %COMMAND% %ARGS%
15 "%TC_ROOT%\bin\tcperl\bin\tcperl" %COMMAND%.bat %ARGS%
16 ) else (
17 "%TC_ROOT%\bin\perl" %COMMAND%.bat %ARGS%
After this change the command can be entered as ugmanager_clone in the command
prompt as in previous NX versions without .bat extension.
Notes and References
IR 8898759
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 764sp1
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Function: CLONE
Ref: 002-7009707