When attempting to create new files from the Solid Edge New screen there are no template files listed to select from.
If there are no template files displayed in the Solid Edge New screen, resetting the Solid Edge new template files setting should resolve this issue.
To reset the template files displayed in the Solid Edge New screen:
1. Close Solid Edge.
2. Open Windows Explorer.
3. Browse to "%APPDATA%\Unigraphics Solutions\Solid Edge\Version 110".
4. Delete "NewFileDefaultList.xml".
5. Start Solid Edge.
The template files used in the New screen will be rebuilt and should now be displayed and selectable.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Application: APPLICATION
Version: V219.0
Function: OTHER
Ref: 002-7009698