Is it possible to uninstall a Solid Edge maintenance pack silently?
Yes, it is possible to uninstall Solid Edge maintenance packs silently.
In order to perform a silent uninstall, you must know both the base Solid Edge product code GUID and the Solid Edge maintenance pack GUID to be uninstalled. The GUIDs can be determined by interrogating the Solid Edge registry, log files, etc.
Here is the command line to silently uninstall Solid Edge ST9 MP7 back to its previous patch level and not reboot the workstation:
msiexec /package {1E02E133-6790-460A-B9C7-9CEA71CB502A} /uninstall {4B583A98-0E3F-467D-B59C-AE615C158335} /quiet /norestart /log C:\Temp\ST9MP7_uninstall.log
For more on silently uninstalling patches see this Microsoft reference: For more on what command line switches are available see this Microsoft reference: and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Application: SETUP
Version: V109.0
Function: INSTALL
Ref: 002-7009693