Report Bend Center Line Attributes
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports SolidEdge.Framework.Interop
Imports SolidEdge.FrameworkSupport.Interop
Imports SolidEdge.Constant.Interop
Imports SolidEdge.Geometry.Interop
Module ReportBendCenterLineAttributes
Sub Main()
Dim objApp As SolidEdge.Framework.Interop.Application = Nothing
Dim objSheetDoc As SolidEdge.Part.Interop.SheetMetalDocument = Nothing
Dim FlatPatternModel As SolidEdge.Part.Interop.FlatPatternModel =
Dim FaceBody As SolidEdge.Geometry.Interop.Body = Nothing
Dim FaceQueryType As
Dim FacesCollection As SolidEdge.Geometry.Interop.Faces = Nothing
Dim pFace As SolidEdge.Geometry.Interop.Face = Nothing
Dim int As Integer = 1
Dim FaceBodyObj As Object, FacesObj As Object, FaceObj As Object,
BendCenterLineEndPoints As Object, BendSweepAngle As Object = Nothing,
BendOrientation As Object = Nothing
Dim BendAttributesExist As Boolean
Dim AttributeVersion As Object = Nothing
Dim BendRadius As Object = 0.0, BendAngle As Object = 0.0
Dim StartPoint(3) As Double, EndPoint(3) As Double, Points(9) As Double
objApp = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
'The .PSM file must have bend and location should be change by user.
objSheetDoc = objApp.Documents.Open("C:\Temp\GTAC.psm")
FlatPatternModel = objSheetDoc.FlatPatternModels.Item(1)
FaceBodyObj = FlatPatternModel.Body
FaceBody = FaceBodyObj
FaceQueryType =
FacesObj = FaceBody.Faces(FaceQueryType)
FacesCollection = FacesObj
For int = 1 To FacesCollection.Count
FaceObj = FacesCollection.Item(int)
pFace = FaceObj
BendAttributesExist = False
BendCenterLineEndPoints = Points
BendCenterLineEndPoints, AttributeVersion, BendRadius, BendAngle,
BendSweepAngle, BendOrientation)
If (BendAttributesExist) Then
Points = BendCenterLineEndPoints
StartPoint(0) = Points(0)
StartPoint(1) = Points(1)
StartPoint(2) = Points(2)
EndPoint(0) = Points(3)
EndPoint(1) = Points(4)
EndPoint(2) = Points(5)
MsgBox("Bend Data Report :" & vbNewLine & "Start Point " &
vbNewLine & StartPoint(0) & vbNewLine & StartPoint(1) & vbNewLine &
StartPoint(2) & vbNewLine + "End Point " & vbNewLine & EndPoint(0) & vbNewLine
& EndPoint(1) & vbNewLine & EndPoint(2) & vbNewLine + "Bend Radius = " &
BendRadius.ToString() & vbNewLine + "Bend Angle = " & BendAngle.ToString())
End If
End Sub
End Module
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Application: AUTOMATION
Version: V110MP5
Ref: 002-7009648