Why does the line font type of the "View Break" line become the "Dotted Dashed"
line instead of Solid font type?
The setting which controls this line font type of "View Break" or "section
lines" or any lines or curves is (Preferences - Object - Line font).
If the line font for any reason is changed to dotted dashed, so will be the
view break line or any other lines/curves created.
It also depends on the templates to create a new sheet all your template parts
should be stored with appropriate line font types.
Note : There is no way to change the existing view break curve created, we need
to recreate these views.
Notes and References
IR 8896300
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V8.5.3
Ref: 002-7009534