Excel spreadsheet fails to work with NX.
Starting in the NX8.0.2 documentation, 'Release Notes -> NX System Information -> View a Topic: Product compatibility with Spreadsheet' provides the current release of NX and which Microsoft Excel spreadsheet versions are compatible.
NX9 is compatible with Excel 2003 through Excel 2010.
NX9.0.1 to NX9.0.3 is compatible with Excel 2003 through Excel 2013.
NX10 to NX10.0.3 is compatible with Excel 2007 through Excel 2013.
NX11 to NX11.0.3 is compatible with Excel 2007 through Excel 2016, etc.
Exceeding the Supported Excel version while working in NX will either not work or will work with limited functionality compared to a supported version.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V11.0.2
Ref: 002-7009107