NX Save Your NX10 (or later) Interface Role to disk

NX for Design



Save the NX10 and later Role to a location that can be moved to a new machine.


 This was changed in NX10.

1. Using the ribbon interface, select 'File -> Preferences -> User Interface -> Roles (left side) -> New Role (press button on right side).'

1a. Only NX10 has the ability to display the old legacy interface. The same steps apply to it, but the process starts with "Preferences" the second step for the ribbon interface.

2. Create a new folder in a convenient location either on your local hard drive or file server. Suggested name for this folder is "NX Roles" or "My NX Roles".

3. Name the file in the format of the NX release and the current date.
Example: NX1859_4-18-2019
This file is easily recognized as your interface from NX1859 and April 18, 2019.

You can make as many of these backup files as needed. They are not used by NX and will not affect its performance.

To restore your NX interface on a new machine, or if NX was reinstalled: 

4. Using the ribbon interface, select 'File -> Preferences -> User Interface -> Roles (left side) -> Load Role (press button on right side).'

4a. Only NX10 has the ability to display the old legacy interface. The same steps apply to it, but the process starts with "Preferences" the second step for the ribbon interface.

5. Locate your custom folder that contains your saved Role files. The file's 
extension is ".mtx".

6. Select the appropriate NX release and date, press OK and the Role file will restore the current NX session's interface immediately. There is no need to restart NX or do any other action.

While it is possible to use NX Roles from some earlier releases, not all Roles can be used in later releases when an interface change has occurred within NX. Since the Roles can be reused, don't forget to read the "What's New in NX" in the NX documentation so you can edit the interface by adding those new functions you have been looking forward to using.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 10_1607
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: P1859
Function: UI_TOOLS

Ref: 002-7009075

KB Article ID# PL7009075



Associated Components
