How to check for clearance gap between two NX prt files?




How to check for clearance gap between two NX prt files?


1. Add the two parts as component into an assembly. 

2. Use Assembly Clearance command to create a new Clearance Set using the following options: 
- Collection = Two 
- Collection One = Selected Object, use cursor to select body from component 1. 
- Collection Two = Selected Object, use cursor to select body from component 2. 
- Default Clearance Zone = enter a value that is large enough to check for maximum gap distance between these two parts. 

3. OK the Clearance Analysis dialog and Clearance Browser should appear.
4. RMB over the Clearnace Set name at the top and choose "Perform Analysis". 

5. Toggle on the result under the Interferences folder in the Clearance Browser. 

6. Execute the command "Study Clearance Violations" (this command by default is hidden, use command finder to find it). 

7. In the Study Clearance Violations dialog, choose preferred Display Type (recommend to use "Line"). 
The screen will now display red color lines between the two prt files's body, these indicate the clearance gap between them. 

Hint: Set the visual display to Static Wireframe for better viewing.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V9.0.3

Ref: 002-7008947

KB Article ID# PL7008947



Associated Components