Users have their own specific Customer Defaults file, they want these files to be on a network location via their Roaming profile and use them on starting NX.
For this you need to store each "NX100_user.dpv" file of each user on a network location with their logon name included, e.g. X:\NX_Userfiles\John\, X:\NX_Userfiles\Paul\, ...
In the NX startup script you then can refer to the logged on user, via %username%, which will collect the Windows user that is logged on, and set the variable :
NX_USER_DIR X:\NX_Userfiles\
Then use this value to set the user specific *.dpv file in the UGII_LOCAL_USER_DEFAULTS variable.
When user "John" is logged on in Windows something like :
should result in --> X:\NX_Userfiles\John\NX100_user.dpv
Then the user specific Customer Defaults file is loaded when NX starts.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V10.0
Ref: 002-7008842