The export of an assembly to STEP format fails with a file translation error
e.g. "x.asm could not be saved because of a file translation error."
One possible cause of this error message might be part/s inside the assembly
that cannot be translated for any reason. Unfortunately, the STEP translation
does not give more information about which file/s cannot be translated. Here is
a tip how to find out.
Start 'Batch.exe' inside '...Program Files\Solid Edge ST9\Custom\Batch\Bin'
folder and choose to translate all files in the folder to convert to STEP, the
batch process translates one file after the other and stops with the message
"y.par could not be saved because of a file translation error." and leaves the
file open. If you then click OK to continue translation, the batch process
would stop at any occurrence that shows this error and leave the file open.
At the end you would know which part/s hinder the translation process.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Application: TRANSLATORS
Function: STEP
Ref: 002-7008645