About Fastener Assembly save location.




Fastener components are not loaded when opened the assembly.

Steps to reproduce the issue: 
1. Create a simple assembly having one or two child components. 
2. Add fastener assembly (bolt, washer, nut, etc) from Reuse library > 
Fastener Assembly Configuration Library. 
3. Save the assembly. 
4. Move the folder where the assembly is saved to some other workstation. 
When the assembly is opened on other workstation, the fastener sub-assembly 
is not loaded.


 This is because the fastener components save location is defined by the 
following Customer Defaults: 
File > Utilities > Customer Defaults > Gateway > Reuse Library > Reusable 
Component (tab) > Native NX > Part Family Save Directory. 
By default the path of this default is Temp folder. 
Change the path of this default either in "Unix" or "Windows" depending 
upon your OS to the path that you desire. 
Now the fastener components will be saved in this path. 
So whenever you will move the assembly which have fastener components to 
other workstations, you can set the "Assembly Load Options" accordingly and 
the whole assembly will get loaded successfully.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: KDA
Version: V10.0.3

Ref: 002-7008325

KB Article ID# PL7008325



Associated Components