The problem is XLS file and KRK are not copied when we perform clone
operation in Add Reuse component dialog which contains only UGMaster dataset.
The problem where XLS file and KRK are not copied when we perform clone
operation in Add Reuse dialog can be addressed as shown below.
Before NX10, when perform clone operation in Add Reuse component dialog
which contains only UGMaster dataset, set the environment variable
UGII_REUSE_LIBRARY_CLONE=YES the XLS file will copy to new dataset.
From NX10 and later version, the clone option method can be set "Use Clone
Assembly" or "Use File Save As" in customer defaults(Gateway->Reuse
Library->Reusable Component->Part Copy Method), the xls file can be copied to
new dataset.
Notes and References
IR 7574144
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 764sp1
Product: NX
Application: KDA
Version: V7.5.5
Ref: 002-7007879