NX Using customized bolts in Hole Series

NX for Design



When adding add your own, customized bolts, nuts, screws, etc. only to the file C:\...\NX10\UGII\modeling_standards\nx502_Screw_Clearance_Hole_Standard.xml, an error is raised when "Match Dimensions of Start Hole" is checked in the End Component (Form --> Threaded) of the Hole Series feature.


With NX it’s possible to add your own, customized bolts, nuts, screws, etc. 
For use with the Hole Series they must be added to the file : 

When only adding the new bolts to this file, they will be properly available in the Start component, but with "Match Dimensions of Start Hole" checked in the End component (Form --> Threaded), the Alert : 

 "Thread Data not found. Specify different thread or edit standards data."

is shown.

Caution : The Hole Series however seems to be properly created with the last used size, or a random size.

To ensure the proper usage in the Hole series with these customized bolts, they also must be added in the "nx502_Threaded_Hole_Standard.xml" file.

These items must match in both the "nx502_Screw_Clearance_Hole_Standard.xml" and "nx502_Threaded_Hole_Standard.xml" files (example) :

nx502_Screw_Clearance_Hole_Standard nx502_Threaded_Hole_Standard 
StandardHole Unit="Metric" Unit="Metric" 
Standard="DIN" ScrewStandard="DIN" 
ScrewType="My Own Socket Bolt ISO10642" ScrewType="My Own Socket Bolt ISO10642" 
Size="M6" ScrewSize="M6" 
Fit="Normal (H13)" ScrewFit="Normal (H13)" 
ThreadStd="Metric Coarse" ThreadedHole Standard="Metric Coarse" 
ThreadSize="M6 x 1.0" Size="M6 x 1.0" 
ThreadEngage="0.75" RadialEngage="0.75"

Checking "Match Dimensions of Start Hole" in the End component now will automatically make sure that the right size is taken.

Note : As always, when editing files, first make a copy of them, so the  originals are always saved.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V10.0

Ref: 002-7007803

KB Article ID# PL7007803



Associated Components
