How to configure NX Fonts
First of all there is an option in NX customer defaults to decide if
you use NX Fonts, Standard Fonts (Windows ttf) or both.
File >Utilities>Customer Defaults
Drafting>General/Setup>Miscellaneous>Fonts to use
This option determines from where font files will be read.
System fonts are read from the systems standard font directory and in the
directory pointed to by UGII_STANDARD_FONT_DIR.
NX Fonts are located in the directory pointed to by
Moreover if you happen to see an information on a note like:
Default Font Arial (being displayed with blockfont)
It means Arial font was not found and replaced with another one
In this case, you will see in the syslog :
Unable to open character font file D:\SIEMENS\NX 10.0\ugii\ugfonts\Arial.fnx
Character font Arial was replaced by UGII_CHARACTER_FONT_DEFAULT
It is up to you then to define if the replacement font is correct or if you
need another one.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: all
OS Version: ALL
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Function: STANDARD
Ref: 002-7007726