NX Ship Drawing Annotation, symbols move back to original position

NX for Design



Ship Drawing Annotation symbols move back to their original position. 
After creating a Section Drawing in the Detail Design application you run the Annotate Ship Drawing function. 
This creates the annotation symbols and names. Afterwards you can move the symbols. Running the Annotate Ship Drawing function again, using the Preserve setting, the symbols are moved back to their original position. 
This only happens for the symbols, not text.


 The Ship Drawing Annotations can be configured using the spreadsheet %UGII_BASE_DIR%\nxship\shipdrafting\symbol\drawing_annotation_symbols.xlsx 

In this spreadsheet the value in the PRESERVE_TYPE column defines which type of symbol should be preserved. 

Users can change the value to All and select "Preserve" in the "Annotate Ship Drawing" command. Then the symbol will keep the position and angle. 

ORIGIN Preserve the origin of symbol 
ORIENTATION Preserve the orientation of symbol(angle, horizon ) 
ALL Preserve origin and orientation 
NONE Preserve nothing. 

Notes and References

ref PR 7486045

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: SHIP_DESIGN
Version: V10.0.3
Function: DRAFTING

Ref: 002-7007337

KB Article ID# PL7007337



Associated Components

Ship Design