How to use ug_askExpressionValueAsString
When using insert function in the expressions dialog box, there are dozens of
functions beginning with "ug_", one of which is ug_askExpressionValueAsString
When using this function, you get can into trouble if you don't use the good
format, so here is an example below :
length=12.345 units=mm type=number
length_as_string=ug_askExpressionValueAsString( length, "%0.3f%" ) type=string
You need not forget quotations marks and percent for the format which also
indicates the number of digits to use.
%0.3f% will do 12.342, and %0.1f% will do 12.3
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: all
OS Version: ALL
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Ref: 002-7007183