If we post an operation by OOTB Heidenhain post
(Sim07_mill_5ax_tnc_mm) from Resource -> Library -> machines -> Installed
Machines ->Sim07_mill_5ax_tnc_mm -> Postprocessor -> Heidenhain
we are getting the output with all X,Y,C.
How to get continuous "C" Axis output in Heidenhain 5 axis controller?
The particular OOTB sim07 tnc post forces any 5-axis path into M128 output mode
which would output the MCS gotos (instead of mom_poss).
After adding the below TCL proc in start of path through custom command we are
able to get C output only.
proc PB_CMD_init_operation { } {
global mom_spindle_direction tap_direction
set tap_direction $mom_spindle_direction
#<02-28-08 gsl> Determine TNC output mode here
global mom_operation_type mom_tool_axis_type
global TNC_output_mode
if { [string match "Variable-axis Surface Contouring" $mom_operation_type]
&& $mom_tool_axis_type != 0 } {
set TNC_output_mode M128
} else {
set TNC_output_mode CYCL19
# ==> Force output mode, if desired
# set TNC_output_mode M128
set TNC_output_mode CYCL19
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V12.0.2
Ref: 002-7005786