Is there a Check list for using JT in MultiCAD configuration for NX?
Things to check:
The TC_NX_FOREIGN_DATASETS variable in TC has to be set correctly. If you
don't have this set correctly, you will not see the .jt file when you Add
Components to the assembly. The entire string is (grab both lines to copy):
DatasetType="DirectModel" NamedReference="JTPART" NamedReferenceFormat="BINARY"
Check to see if you have exact data in the .jt file either by the Customer
Defaults-> Gateway-> JT files-> Extract Exact Data for ALL files. Or you can
have the component as the working/displayed part and go to File-> Properties->
JT-> Extract Exact Data. Filter for Edge, see if the edges of the part
highlight when you mouse over them.
Check the version of the .jt file being used, MultiCAD document states the .jt
needs to be version 9.0 or higher.
Check to make sure the .jt files added are on the right layer and that they
were added to the Assembly Model's Reference Set (MODEL by default) if you are
creating a MasterModel Specification drawing sheet. If you are just creating
sheets in Drafting, this should be OK.