Open session of NX12 or higher.
User attempts do perform the following:
File ->
Utilities ->
Customer Defaults
User notes that the "defaults level" pulldown dialog = [ User "Read Only" ]
User cannot make any modifications to his Customer defaults selections.
Instead, error dialog box is raised:
"You do not have access to user level defaults file.
The changes cannot be applied."
User checks file system permissions and ACL access control on his personal
copy of the following file.
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Unigraphics Solutions\NX12\NX12_user.dpv
User has granted "Full Control". Thus, directory path and NX12_user.dpv is
fully read/writeable.
NX allows NX12_user.dpv to be re-directed to suit the needs of the site.
This is done by defining the following environmental variable (preferably in
A possible definition of this variable could look like:
UGII_LOCAL_USER_DEFAULTS = M:\group\NX12_user.dpv
However, if this variable is malformed for any reason (such as pointing to a
drive letter that is not currently mapped) then the modifications will fail as
noted above *Even though the variable definition APPEARS TO BE CORRECT*
Thus, in this example, error is misleading in that it implies that there is
something wrong with file NX12_user.dpv, when in fact it is with the shared
mapped drive.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V12.0.2
Ref: 002-7004606