Required action
Upgrade procedures have been changed starting from version 2410. Customers have now to upgrade their
own tenants (after the scheduled maintenance window) in order to be able to use the 2410 release. In order to do so, they have to perform the upgrade explicitly from the Deployment View in OPCENTER X Configurator.
For all the related information, please check out the official OPCENTER X 2410 Documentation
Supported Architecture
- Chimera environment with Rancher OS 2.6.2, running on AWS EKS
- Kubernetes version 1.28.13 with SQL 2019-CU15-ubuntu-20.04
Functionalities Enhanced / Added in 2410
All OPCENTER X apps can be accessed via the Primary Navigation Bar displayed on the left side of each landing page
Process Model
- Support for Discrete Process Model
- Support for Flow Process Model
- Support parallel path
- Split the Material Tracking Unit (MTU) across parallel activities and recombining it on the last activity
- Split the quantity across parallel activities with the same MTU
Order Management
- CNC Machinery configuration
- Document Management
Data Acquisition
- Load/unload Powder Batches
- CNC Machinery: support to send file to target equipment
- Publish Runtime Audit Trail for major transactions
- Select Work Unit on Operator Terminal
- Selective rollback in Work Order details
- Validation on rollback of produced Material
- Timer for remaining time of the operation on Operator Terminal
- File Connector supports the download files from Opcenter X
- OPC UA Connector supports Read Nodes
- OPC UA Connector supports Methods
- Remote Interop Connector support for upgrade or downgrade in CLI
- File Connector supports reading of files
- File Connector supports windows network folder access for read and write files
- Interoperability page indicates the trace records that included payload details
- Interoperability page restructure the "Open in New Tab" control
- Interoperability page supports sortable columns
Performance Analysis
- Export the content of the Work Order Dashboard to a .csv file
- Export the content of the Throughput Report to a .csv file
Information Management
- Attach and Manage Document in Process Definition (PDEF) Operation
- Search Shopfloor Audit Trail Records
- Search Modeling Audit Trail Records
- The following updates are made within the Calendar Management feature:
- Custom resource calendar templates can be created, modified, deleted, and assigned/unassigned to multiple work units (resources)
- Multiple resources can be assigned to an existing resource calendar exception record
- New set of Administrator permissions can be applied to users to manage Calendar Exception records. These permissions allow managing of historical, ongoing, and future records, whereas non-administrator permissions allow managing only future records
- The column that displayed the buttons to edit or delete a record is removed from all the tables.
- The following updates are made within the Schedules feature:
- Scheduled operations can be locked from the Gantt Chart and the Orders table after user confirmation. However, unscheduled operations displayed in the Orders table cannot be locked.
- Historical scheduled operations (displayed to the left of the terminator line on the Gantt Chart) cannot be unscheduled.
- Operations can be filtered in the Orders table based on their status also.
- Operations can be highlighted and unallocated from the Orders table as well.
- The shop floor status of an operation is displayed in the Orders table (column) and Gantt Chart (tooltip). This information is displayed after updating the default schedule
SPC Inspection and Evaluation
- Support Inspection Order State
- Support acquisition of defects/defective parts for att./vis. Characteristics
- Fast Non-Conformance generation in SPC Acquisition
- Show picture in Inspection Step in Acquisition
- Change RuleSet in Inspection Order Management
- Synchronize Next Inspection
- Inspection Instruction in Acquisition
Non-Conformance Management
- IES-related Non-Conformances
- Creating multiple Non-Conformances out of IES, fully automated or using the wizard
- Grouping of IES-related Non-Conformances and show this in own Office Page tab
- Copy Cause from one related Non-Conformance to others
- Add Closing Functionality to Shopfloor Page
- Improved Workorder Selection Dialog by adding additional parameter (Operation Description and Work Unit)
- Sorting of Non-Conformance Overview
- Save and reuse last sorting per user
- Introducing Rework Time “Actual Duration” of Actions into Non-Conformance
- In Wizard in add Action step
- In Shopfloor Page when working on an Action
- Pattern search: Correlations defined in Failure Catalog between different Failure Term Types are taken in consideration, if wanted
- Setting the focus in first editable field in multiple views and dialogs for a better workflow support
- Make the Failure Description tab of Failure Pattern visible in case of creating an Non-Conformance out of Data Acquisition
Action Management
- Adopt Documents from Action Template to concrete Action
- Reuse existing Action Templates as linked Actions
- Display Linked Action navigation over Breadcrumbs
- Introducing Rework Time “Actual Duration” of Actions
- Possibility to add Actual Duration in Action during creation
- Edit Actual Duration in not Closed Actions
- Enter Actual Duration in Change Status Dialog of Action Management
Process Designer / Characteristic Management
- Support Characteristic type of “Visual”
- Assign potential Failures to Inspection Steps
Opcenter X Configurator
- Support for Modeling Subentity Object types
- Support for Composed object
- Support for Subentity Object types
- Branch Model
- Deployed Model information
- Reviewed folder structure for UI Model
- Information on the deployed apps
Assembly of resources
- It is now possible to assemble multiple Resources to a Resource. This helps to create a hierarchy of Resources. Likewise, it is also possible to disassemble the Resources.
Work Unit - Resource group link
Impact of a Work Unit not correctly assigned to a Resource Group: the Work Unit cannot be used by an Operation.
Check that each existing Work Unit defined with a Resource Group (prior to 2407) is still assigned to the correct Resource Group after migration to 2407 (Equipment app ). If a Work Unit is not correctly assigned, follow the procedure explained in the page Assigning Work Units to Resource Groups of the Opcenter X User Manual.
For more information, see the OPCENTER X 2410 Release Notes, available in Support Center.