Simcenter Madymo - Pedal set modelling for automotive applications



This article provides the user with two layouts of Madymo pedal set models for automotive applications (2-pedal layout for automatic transmission and 3-pedal layout for manual transmission).


The pedal set can be freely positioned using the positioning parameters shown on figure 1 below. These two predefined designs (3 pedal layout for manual transmission and 2 pedal layout for automatic transmission) can be easily swapped by changing the reference to the desired include file (pedalbox_MT_inc.xml or pedalbox_AT_inc.xml). The parameter PB_State allows to lock and keep free the rotation of the pedals around their rotation axis (for instance for settling runs).


Fig. 1 - Available designs for pedal box


Due to the possible complexity of the pedal designs, the geometry of the pedal sets is not parametrized; however the model is built such that the user can easily adapt the position and geometry of each pedal independently from each other. For each pedal, the model structure is identical. The user can duplicate the pedal set and adapt it to its own geometry.  .


Fig. 2 - Each pedal's model structure


Each pedal model consists of:

  • a revolutional joint (*Pedal_jntpositioned at the desired location w.r.t the pedal box attachment body (defined by default as the pivot point of the brake pedal)


  • an orientation (*Pedal_jntori) for the pivot joint which allows to orientate the pedal shaft w.r.t the vertical


  • a rigid body (*Pedal_bod) positioned at mid length of the pedal shaft for which the mass, the inertial properties and the center of gravity can be edited


  • a cylinder (*Pedal_Pivot_surf) to represent the pivot axis, a thin ellipsoid (*Pedal_Shaft_surf) to represent the pedal shaft and a thick ellipsoid (*Pedal_Pad_surf) to represent the pedal pad


  • an orientation (*Pedal_Pad_ori) used to tilt the pedal pad w.r.t the pedal shaft


  • Finally a restraint joint is defined for the pedal's pivot joint to limit the rotation of the pedal beyond its domain of normal operation. The deformation characteristic (rotation vs. torque) remains elastic up to the maximal allowed rotation angle (20°) (1). Within this domain, the characteristic has a linear behavior between 0° (rest position) and 20° (fully depressed) (2). Beyond the upper limit, the characteristic enters the bottoming-out behavior with an hysteresis slope equals to twice the slope of the bottoming-out (3).

Overview of the characteristic related to the restraint representing the brake pedal deformation/rotation



Please contact your local Simcenter Madymo support organization for further questions/details on this topic.

KB Article ID# KB000155466_EN_US



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