Enable your team to use an Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product



Refer this article to enable your team to use an Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product



After purchasing Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product, an email will be sent automatically from Siemens PLM License Generator to the proposed Enterprise Cloud Account (ECA) admin and the contract administrator.   This email includes information about the Sold-To number, Webkey access code, and ECA admin information. If you didn’t receive an e-mail, please reach out to our Technical Support team, via Siemens Software Support Center: Open a Support Case
  1. Upon receiving this email, go to the Siemens Xcelerator Admin Console and click the Sign In button. If you don't have an account, you must create one – refer to Create an Account. Be sure to use the same e-mail address as was used on the license e-mail.
  2. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  3. Configure the Account by entering an Account Name (a friendly name that you decide) and the Region where you want your data stored. 
  4. In the Admin Console, under License Details, there is a list of Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product licenses to verify:  
For Example: the "License Details" for the "Teamcenter Share" product. 
If the information looks correct, you are ready to add users to the Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product account. 
To add Users, refer the following article Assigning/Adding Users in Siemens Xcelerator Admin Console
    • Once the user is assigned they will receive a welcome email with a link to the Siemens Xcelerator as a Service product.

    For detailed instructions about these topics watch the following video:
    How to Activate your Siemens Xcelerator as a Service (XaaS) Cloud Account

    Note - A Siemens Account is required to view this video, see the Create an Account section.

    KB Article ID# KB000155311_EN_US



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