How to request a new license file compatible for Simcenter Amesim 2410?



This article describes the steps to follow to request a new license file compatible for Simcenter Amesim 2410. This only concerns installations which were running on RLM until now.


As of Simcenter Amesim version 2410, RLM won’t be supported anymore as a license manager. Therefore, Siemens License Server, based on FNP (FlexNet Publisher former known as FlexLM), is now exclusively used. FNP is compatible with previous Simcenter Amesim version down to version 2020.1.

To provide a compatible license file, an extra piece of information from the server machine is needed: the Composite ID. To get this information, go to the Siemens License Server download homepage and inside the most recent version of the tool, look for the file called

Download and unzip it. Browse into the right folder (e.g.: for Windows \slsi_hostid_utils\Win64\) and run getcid.exe as administrator on the server machine to get the following information:

Pick the most relevant couple of Composite ID and MAC Address and open a new support case with this information:

  1. Hostname: Server_name
  2. MAC address: 789123ghijk
  3. Composite ID: 123456abcdef

The server machine must be the same RLM was installed on and consequently Hostname and MAC address should be unchanged.

You will receive a new license file compatible with the new license manager (FNP) and will now be able to proceed to the licence server installation and client configuration.

KB Article ID# KB000155003_EN_US



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