In OP EX FN OEE most recent versions, it is possible to enable the Plant Profiling option, in order to configure the access to the plant for each user. The service of the PlantProfiling, provided as default in the OEE Runtime Web Service, is based on an XML file that can be manually created to configure the Plant visibility for each single user or user group. For each plant, the path of the XML configuration file has to be configured using a parameter in the appSettings section. The key attribute of the configuration parameter uses the naming convention MultiplantProfilingService.IdPlant where the IdPlant has to be replaced with the identifier of the Opcenter EX FN plant.
The value of the configuration parameter is the path to the XML configuration file. It is required that the user configured for the SITOEEAppPool can read the folder containing the XML configuration file.
An example of an XML file is provided below. It can be used as template to customize the configuration.
Example of an XML configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea\AssemblyLine1" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea\AssemblyLine1\OH1" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea\AssemblyLine2\RB01" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea\AssemblyLine2\RB02" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\AssemblyArea\AssemblyLine2\RB03" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\PaintArea\Oven\ZHT1" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\PaintArea\Paint\RL1" />
<EQUIP_ID ID="Plant\PaintArea\Paint\RR1" />
The only attributes that can be edited are the attributes ID of the <USER> and <EQUIP_ID> elements. The attribute ID has to be set with the name of the user or group that can read the information of the pieces of equipment listed in the nodes EQUIP_ID.
Do not modify any other element or attribute and do not modify the XML structure. The element <USER> can be duplicated to configure the plant visibility for other users
Note: the USER ID has to be set as the "Full name" of the user in UMC.
For example, if the user is DOMAIN\User1, but his Full Name in UMC is "Surname Name", you will have to configure the xml file as:
USER ID="Surname Name"