Associative Breakout Modeling using reference field in enforced displacement



Breakout modeling can be made associative by using reference field created directly from Post View


Breakout modeling is very useful to analyze a particular partial of a simulation model e.g. to analyze it using finer elements or to reuse/combine it in another simulation.

Using unit load load is an option to apply adjustable loadings, but sometimes the implication of the load combinations is too complex to be modelled as unit loads. Associative breakout modeling will reduce the effort of having to each time generate a new field to update the new results from the master (whole) simulation model. The reference field (e.g. if used in enforced displacement constraints) will update itself as soon as the master model is recalculated.

The quickest way to do this is use "Create Field from Result..." directly using RMB on Post View of the Displacement result.

Instead of the default Table Field we use Reference Field:


This reference field can be applied as Enforced Displacement Constraint (Translational Components - Field):


The reference field will update as soon as the master model is recalculated. In the attached very simplified example model, both solutions can be solved in one shot using sequential "Solve All Solutions".





KB Article ID# KB000153667_EN_US



Associated Components