The step about how to get the SOA draft in T3sterMaster



Get the SOA draft in T3sterMaster


Step1: In Evaluate Rth setting, tape in 0.01 and click “Add”, to calculate the 0.0% pulse Zth.

Step2: In structure function section, get the Rthjc value.

Step3: In Pulse Thermal Resistance diagram, to hide the Rthja, type in Rthjc value. To get the Rthjc 0.0% curve.

Step4: In SOA Plot Setting, type in the parameters of the DUT, in the “Duty cycle” column, select the 0.0% Pulse Rthjc curve.

Step5: determine the Time[s] value to “add” into Zth-JC.

Step6: set the Axes area and the SOA plot is showed.

KB Article ID# KB000153492_EN_US



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