How to select consecutive CBAR nodes on the same face of a 3D Element in Element Modify Connectivity



Reconnecting multiple CBAR nodes to multiple nodes of a 3D Element face throws an error. Below are some workarounds.


This workaround applies to Simcenter 3D Pre/Post versions prior to 2412.


Reconnecting CBARs to a newly replaced mesh can be done using “Element Modify Connectivity”.

When reconnecting multiple CBAR nodes you can select “Elements Attached to Selected Node” from the drop down. This allows you to choose multiple CBAR nodes and connect them to multiple nodes of the 2D element on the same face, as shown below. This method works effectively for 2D elements, such as CQUAD or CTRIA.





However, performing this operation on 3D elements such as CHEXA (8 or 20) or CTETRA (4 or 10), the software throws an error, “Nodes of the same element cannot be selected. Select another nodes”.




There are 2 workarounds to connect nodes to a single 3D element face:


1. Under Element Modify Connectivity, use "Single Element" option to connect nodes one at a time:


2. Under Element Modify Connectivity, use "Elements Attached to Selected Node" to perform the operation one node at a time:

KB Article ID# KB000153427_EN_US



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