How to import temperature dependent MAT1/MATT1 cards with TABLEM4 in Simcenter 3D Pre/Post?



Methods for importing temperature-dependent MAT1/MATT1 cards using TABLEM4 in Simcenter 3D Pre/Post until implementation of ER


Below are some workarounds until ER is implemented


Option 1:

During import, under File Processing Option à Check Import unsupported cards à as uncommented user-defined text


This option will bring in TABLEM4 as user text.


Right click on solution Edit à Bulk Data à User defined text à Edit


Under Keyin Text, the TABLEM4 will be added automatically. However, MATT1 will not be read in. Manually add the MATT1 lines. To avoid manually adding MATT1, use Option 2 below.


The above Keyin Text can also be found under Modeling Object à Bulk user defined text


Option 2:

This option will write both MATT1 and TABLEM4 as user-defined text under Keyin Text, eliminating any manual entry.


During Import, in addition to File Processing Option in Option 1, check “By card name” under Selective Import à add MATT1 under User-defined text.


Option 3:

Instead of Keyin Text, you can link the material file as “Linked” or “Merged”

The Linked option will add the text file as an INCLUDE statement in the DAT file

The Merged will append the DAT file.



KB Article ID# KB000153417_EN_US



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