Simcenter FLOEFD How to generate temperature and pressure dependent fluid properties in Simcenter Flomaster for Simcenter FLOEFD simulations?

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This video demonstrates how to generate temperature and pressure dependent fluid properties in Simcenter Flomaster for Simcenter FLOEFD simulations.


For the CFD simulations where we have large temperature and pressure ranges (e.g. cyrogenic applications), we should take into account the temperature and/or pressure dependency of the fluid properties.

In this context, Simcenter Flomaster offers a large material database, where we can also generate fluid properties with desired range and precision using NIST templates.

This video demonstrates how to generate temperature and pressure dependent fluid properties in Simcenter Flomaster for Simcenter FLOEFD simulations.

KB Article ID# KB000153406_EN_US



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Simcenter FLOEFD for Creo