How do I collaborate with my team using discussion in Teamcenter X Essentials?



You can leverage discussions to collaborate with your team. You can have discussions that are private or open to everyone in your team. All the discussions that were initiated on a given part or a document can be accessed easily at a later point. You can also include markups created on a 3D design to discuss design changes or provide design direction.


  1. Log in to Teamcenter X Essentials.
  2. Search or locate the part or document of interest
  3. Click on the discuss icon   available on the right navigation toolbar
  4. Select and existing discussion the part/document or create a new discussion.
  5. Specify additional impacted parts or documents.
  6. Specify participants and if desired make it a private discussion.
  7. Input the desired message and create the discussion

You can access the discussion via: Home Page

or via dedicated discussions page

Alternately, you can locate the part or the document and then open the discussions panel


KB Article ID# KB000153110_EN_US



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