Simcenter Madymo Simcenter Madymo - Example model of a motor scooter

Solver Models Workspace


This knowledge article provides a generic and parametrized Simcenter Madymo motor scooter model (zipfile attached).



The model is meant to serve as a generic or baseline scooter model that could be used for simulation studies on injury risk assessment and/or accident analysis & reconstruction involving vulnerable road users (VRU), using Simcenter Madymo.

Model specifications

  • Generic model – not validated against specific hardware
  • Rigid body model with mass and geometry parametrized with DEFINE variables, all in SYSTEM.MODEL ‘Scooter_sys’
  • Model positioning and initialization parametrized with DEFINE variables  ( located in GROUP_DEFINE on root level )
  • Model includes generic, non-encrypted and user-editable contact characteristics for the different scooter surfaces
  • Comes with SYSTEM.MODEL ‘Ground_sys’, including parameterized ramp model that can be used to represent a speed bump, a curb, or even a rigid wall
  • No license encryption applied to the scooter model itself. License requirements are:
    • Simcenter Madymo multibody solver license (or 40 Madymo tokens)

Example load case model

  • Scooter model with 50th percentile male driver  ( pedestrian human body model )
    • model calls ‘h_ped50el_inc.xml’  from Madymo R2406 model library
  • Scooter hitting ramp at 60º heading angle with speed of 15kph
  • Scooter impacts with -15º roll angle and -10º steer angle
  • Simulation throughput time ~ 1 minute per full second simulated event duration
    (running in serial mode on Intel Core i9-12950HX 2300 MHz processor)
  • License requirements for load case example are:
    • Simcenter Madymo multibody solver license (or 40 Madymo tokens)
    • 20 tokens for Simcenter Madymo pedestrian human body model

Package contents  ( zipfile attached to article )

  • Model input files (R2406):  'Scooter_seated_usr.xml' and 'Scooter_seated_inc.xml'
  • Load case example input file (R2406):  'Scooter_seated_PHBM-50M.xml'
  • Load case example session file for MADPost:  ‘Scooter_seated_PHBM-50M_madpost.mps’
  • Documentation (global explanation of scooter model setup, DEFINE variables for user handling and load case example model):  'Simcenter Madymo - Generic Scooter Model (seated).pdf'

The picture below shows the setup of of the Simcenter Madymo motor scooter example model. 

The picture below shows the animation output from the load case example model (time frames 0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000ms). 

KB Article ID# KB000135051_EN_US



Associated Components

Coupling FE Coupling Simulink Solver General Solver Installer / Licensing Solver Utilities