Simcenter Madymo - XML keyword updates per release 2306



As of Simcenter Madymo 2306 some updates of xml keywords have been made with respect to previous release. This article explains how to translate the input deck to a newer version.



Starting from Madymo 2306 release there is been update to some of names of keyword and henceforth when using the older version model (any release version before 2306) in the newer version (any newer version from 2306) needs to be translated to the newer version.  Adjusting the release tag at the top of the input deck may be insufficient depending on the defined/used xml elements in the input deck.

Example of updates made to xml attributes.


Translation step:

To translate the release, navigate to XMADgic Tools menu bar from the top and scroll down to the "Translate Release..." and select the version the older version models are translated into. As shown in the picture below.

Once done all the keywords should have been updated and the model is ready to be use. 



  • In the solver installation directory <>\share\doc\manuals the document Supplementary_Document_Inclusive_Language_Policy.pdf provides an overview all of keyword updates made
  • Appendix N of the reference manual describes the translation topic in general
  • The translation will be done automatically on the comment line as well if a pre-2306 xml input deck is launched with the 2306 (or higher version) Madymo solver 
  • Page 16 of What's new in Simcenter Madymo R2306 contains some background info on the translation
  • The log file provides an overview of the changes made, for example:


Please contact your local Simcenter Madymo support organization for further questions/details on this translation topic.

KB Article ID# KB000134945_EN_US



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