Simcenter Madymo - Workspace icon/element size and spacing settings



Invoking Simcenter Madymo Workspace tooling like XMADgic for first time may show small sized icons and small spaces between element. This article provides instruction how to navigate the issue.



Loading a Madymo model in Workspace tooling like e.g. XMADgic may show small sized icons and a small spaces between the xml elements. This may happen on high resolution/4k monitors when invoking Simcenter Madymo Workspace tooling for the first time. This can be resolved by adjusting the DPI settings. 

Example of small sized icons and small distance between the xml elements.



Right click on XMADgic short icon in the desktop and click on properties and navigate to "Compatibility" tab and click the "Change high DPI settings" and then check the option "override high DPI scaling behavior" > select "system" or "system enhanced" and click apply, as shown in the picture below.


Once done and when XMADgic is re-invoked again the size and shape issue should be resolved.


For more details on Windows and Linux display settings see the release notes of Workspace chapter 2.1.6.


Please contact your local Simcenter Madymo support organization for further questions/details on this topic.

KB Article ID# KB000134897_EN_US



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