FLOEFD: How to access the time step parameter in a transient simulation



In some cases, it is required to integrate a value during a transient simulation, so it is necessary to have access to the time step parameter. FLOEFD doesn't automatically stores the time step value, but it is possible to access it using parameters and equation goals. This article shows the steps to access the time step parameter as a goal in a transient simulation.


In order to access the time step parameter, the steps below can be followed:

  1. Create an equation Goal named “Current Time”, for example. For the value, set it equal to “t” using the button panel. The "t" parameter represents the actual physical time.

  1. Create another equation goal named, for example, “Last Physical Time” and using the range value set the goal equal to: range({Iteration};{Current Time};{Iteration}-1;{Iteration}-1); this formula means that the value for the goal will be the physical time of the last iteration.

  1. Create a third equation goal to calculate the time step with the formula: {Current Time}-{Last Time}

  1. While the simulation is running you will be able to see how the "Time Step" goal changes. For example, for a simulation starting with a time step of 0.0001 s and ramping up to 0.1 s for 5 seconds, the goal plot will look as follows:


KB Article ID# KB000134747_EN_US



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