How to export or import the stylesets (SystemData) from Capital Essentials?



This article describes how to export and how to import the SystemData.xml file.


The display or graphical representation of objects in Capital Essentials is controlled via a style set. The Harness and Wiring diagram stylesets are unique per installation. To share the stylesets with another installation or with Siemens customer support, the Capital Essentials system data must be exported. The system data can only be exported via a Windows command prompt.


  • Capital Manager Essentials is running.
  • You are a user with administrator privileges
  • You have created a repository directory to which the premigration utility can export the system data. It must be accessible with full read-write access.
  • During the export process, a sub-directory named "SystemData" is created within the repository directory; this sub-directory includes the file named "SystemData.xml". For a successful import, this specific file structure should be maintained.

Procedure to export

Launch a command prompt window and run the following command:
[Installation_directory]\bin\CapitalPremigrateEssentials.exe -d -u=[system_user] -w=[system_user_password] -f=[repository_directory]

[Installation_directory] is the path to your Capital Essentials installation
[system_user] is the name of a superuser which has admin privileges
[system_user_password] is the password for the superuser
[repository_directory] is the path to the repository directory


C:\Siemens\CapitalEssentials\bin\CapitalPremigrateEssentials.exe -d -u=system -w=manager -f=C:\Siemens\repository

Procedure to import

Same as above except replace the executable program "CapitalPremigrateEssentials.exe" with the import executable "CapitalMigrateEssentials.exe" in the command line.


C:\Siemens\CapitalEssentials\bin\CapitalMigrateEssentials.exe -d -u=system -w=manager -f=C:\Siemens\repository

There exists a file with the path: C:\Siemens\repository\SystemData\SystemData.xml



KB Article ID# KB000134484_EN_US



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