Simcenter 3D Solutions How to create a temperature difference animation from 2 different analyses in Simcenter 3D

Simcenter 3D


This article describes a method for creating an animation of a temperature difference in Simcenter 3D, from 2 different calculations, with the same archived instants.


A method is described here for creating an animation of a temperature difference (from 2 different calculations, with the same archived instants).

Both solutions have been computed in the same Simcenter file (but could be in 2 different .sim files). 
In this article : ModelThermique_sim1
•    Solution 1
•    Solution 2 
You will find below the procedure in 5 steps. 

  1. To extract the temperature field from the first analysis, we use “Multiple Reduction” (“Full” option is chosen for “Create result”)

At the end of this step a file : TempSol1_Full.unv file is created.


  1. Creation of a new solution, named SolutionDiff_Result

For this solution we don’t have to respect the Time Step Definition of Solution 1 and Solution 2. We can keep the default. 

  • To specify the results, in unv format, that we have just created at step 1: Option “Specify...” (Right clic) to select the "TempSol1_Full.unv" file


  1. Then to enrich this new solution, “SolutionDiff_Result”, with the results from the temperature field from the 2nd thermal analysis (“Companion” option for “Create Result”).

    As the end of this step, we have now a Solution containing the temperature fields of the 2 “Thermal” Analysis (which are “reformatted”: the increment number of each time step may have been modified)

    A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated


    1. A 3nd “Multiple Reduction” can be performed to calculate this difference (with “Companion” option for “Create Result”).
    • Note: an offset of 273.15 has been added, as a problem was observed on a conversion.


    1. We obtain a result tree in this form, allowing us to create an animation on the “DiffT1-T2” result

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

    KB Article ID# KB000134076_EN_US



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