How to Restart Your Application in Cloud Foundry



This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to restart your application using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CF CLI). It includes instructions for downloading CF CLI, logging in, selecting the appropriate organization and space, and restarting the app.


  1. Download and Install CF CLI:
       - Visit the [Cloud Foundry CLI GitHub page]( to download the latest version of CF CLI.
       - Follow the installation instructions provided on the GitHub page.
  2. Log in to Cloud Foundry:
       - Refer to the following articles for detailed instructions on logging in:
         - How to login to Cloud Foundry
         - Logging into Cloud Foundry with Service Credentials
  3. Select Your Cloud Foundry Organization and Space:
       - If you have multiple CF organizations, use the following command to select the desired organization:
    cf target -o ORG_NAME
  4. Check User Access:
       - Verify if your user is added to the space:
    cf space-users ORG_NAME SPACE_NAME

       - If the user is not added, assign the SpaceDeveloper role to the user (skip this step if the user is already added):
    cf set-space-role YOUR_USER_EMAIL ORG_NAME SPACE_NAME SpaceDeveloper
  5. Select the Space:
       - Use the following command to select the space:
    cf target -s SPACE_NAME
  6. Restart the Application:
       - Restart the application using the command:
    cf start APP_NAME

If you need further assistance, please create a support ticket on the support center (

KB Article ID# KB000133828_EN_US



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